The Westminster Organ Concert Series continues its 43rd season on Sunday, February 18, at 4:00 pm, with an organ recital by the Canadian-American organist, Maxine Thévenot. Dr. Thévenot is director of cathedral music and organist at the Episcopal Cathedral of St. John in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where she also teaches at the University of New Mexico. Her program includes music by Bach, Buxtehude, Sweelinck, Bruhns, de la Guerre, Guilain, and Andrew Ager. The concert is free and open to the public.
Westminster Presbyterian Church is located at 400 Rugby Road in Charlottesville. Ample parking is available behind the church, and the sanctuary is wheelchair-accessible.
The Westminster Organ Concert Series was begun in 1980 to share the newly installed all-mechanical baroque-style pipe organ with the community. The organ, built by Taylor & Boody Organbuilders of Staunton, Virginia, has 18 stops and over 1100 pipes.