Children are young for such a short time - be an active part of your child's life! Being a GS leader is FUN and you will receive the training and support you need. Plus priceless rewards!
This event is open to all girls in K-12th grades and their amazing adults who want to learn more about enrolling a girl in Girl Scouts and/or becoming a volunteer with the Girl Scouts. This event is a free, no-obligation fun time, where you can ask questions and discover a family-oriented, fun community.
For more information
. Girl Scouting is open to all girls regardless of race, creed, ethnic origin, or physical or mental ability. Financial assistance is available to assist with the membership fee ($32).
Girl Scouts of Virginia Skyline is putting out a call to the community for adult volunteers to sign-up. The more adults step forward to volunteer, the more girls will get the chance to be a Girl Scout. Anyone can volunteer – moms, dads, grandparents, recent grads. Everyone can be a Girl Scout volunteer, no matter how much time you have or your level of Girl Scout expertise. Our girls need you as their role model! To join or volunteer, email us at or call 540-777-5100 or visit to find local troops in your area.